By Michael Bready BL
Whilst the venue for a mediation is not essential to any success, it would be wrong to assume that the mediation surroundings, or location, are irrelevant. If parties to a mediation feel comfortable, then its a great start to any mediation. It’s not just about physical comforts- a crucial consideration for parties to a mediation is confidentiality.
Parties can be assured of confidentiality between themselves and the Mediator via the relevant terms of their Agreement to Mediate. However, a mediation in a hotel or a conference facility, still means they could find themselves in a public area at some stage of the day (or night) and this may make some parties feel vulnerable to being seen by someone they know, or someone that they don’t want to be seen by.
The Resolution Centre is the perfect solution to this potential vulnerability. Situated in the heart of Belfast, it provides a totally private, secluded and comfortable venue for mediations to take place. The Resolution Centre is Northern Ireland’s only purpose designed dispute Resolution Centre, offering both bespoke facilities and access to leading mediation and arbitration specialists.
The Resolution Centre can cater for all resolution needs with access to the latest technology, conferencing, hospitality and business support services. Users can choose from nine custom-designed rooms, available for hire individually or in combination as suites. All rooms are multi-function with flexible layouts – suitable for small, medium and large mediations.
Northern Ireland has a unique reputation for peace process and political dispute resolution, and the Resolution Centre is building on this.
Contact me, or visit the website, for any further details.
Article first published on LinkedIn, click here to view the original.